Thursday, June 6, 2024

No Calgon here....

We have had 6 games scheduled in the last 2 days.  Tuesday, Harper’s team had a double header in Osage city, Saige’s team had a double header in Pomona.  Jim wasn’t feeling well, so I begged a favor from Cameron.  Him being home came in very handy!   Cameron did get a job, and he starts in a couple weeks, but in the meantime, he is playing chauffeur, mower fixing man, and today he is job shadowing Colin.  I have no idea if Colin will have a job. when this day is over, as when the 2 of them are together, bad decisions are usually made.  
Anyway, Cameron was gracious enough to take Saige to her games.   He even took photos and kept us updated on how things were going (not well, they got run ruled - twice).  Saige did not have a good night batting, but she did have a pretty good night pitching I was told.  She only pitched for a little bit, and then they called it for run rule, but they were hitting off of her, which to me means she was pitching hittable balls right? I guess the call off might have been a tiny bit premature, but there was lightening, so they decided the game had gone on long enough to call it as a played game.  

I wish I could say the same for Harper, who had a double header in Osage city.  We had not been playing very long when I could visibly see lightening south of the field.  My friend Adreinne had come over to watch, and her neighbor is in charge of the fields down there.  She pointed out to him that there was lightening and his response was "yes but it is 16 miles away, and we don't have to call the game unless is 10 miles away or less.  Adreinne thought that seemed dumb (so did I) and she left.  A few minutes went by, they were still playing, and we could hear thunder and still see lightening.  My phone weather app went off to say that lightening was detected 8.5 miles from my location.  I showed the neighbor.  He said well I think we can get this game finished before we call it, and besides, the storm you are hearing the thunder from is moving away from us, not towards us.  Two or 3 minutes later, my phone again goes off, to say that lightening is 3 miles from my location, and at the same time as I was reading the message, lightening was going across the sky right over my head.  They were still trying to finish the game!  I decided they could play if they wanted to, but my kid was not.  So I walked over to the dugout and told Harper to get her things.  The coach said they didn't call it yet.  I did not say anything nasty, I did not raise my voice.  I just said if you want to continue playing in the lightening, that is fine, but Harper is not.  Harper and I start walking to the car.  Then the neighbor calls a 30 minute lightening delay!  So we waited in the car for a little bit, but the weather kept getting worse, so eventually they said they would just reschedule.  Since it is Osage, and they sort of set up their own rules, they decided that we had not played enough of the game to determine the outcome, so they are rescheduling both games.  I guess it doesn't matter that much, but it is aggravating that they had kids play in the lightening and then rescheduled that game anyway.  Harper did get on base, by walking....and she did tell me she was relieved when I pulled her out, because she thought it was dangerous and silly.  

Saige had a double header Wednesday night at Carbondale, against the same Osage City team that Harper played the night before.  Luckily the weather was much better, and they were able to play both games.  Saige's team did not have their best night, and they were again pretty thoroughly spanked.  They are on the younger end of the 15 under division, and it shows when they play against girls with more experience.  Saige's team had a really rough night fielding the ball, and the errors definitely showed up in the scoring.  I will say Saige did a great job pitching though!  She doesn't have the strongest arm, her pitches are not overly fast, but they are pretty accurate.  She has a lot of people who strike out because they are used to a faster pitch coming in.  She also has a lot of people who hit off of her, and if the fielding errors were corrected, I believe it would be much better.  Tonight there are no games, and for that I am thankful, I hope to be in bed early!  All these late nights are killing my beauty sleep! 

Sometimes the stars align perfectly, and you are just in the right place.  I know we just lost a cat, and the timing might be a little too fast but....
This kitten was abandoned by its mother.  Mallory's friend Erin has been bottle raising it.  She is leaving on vacation and obviously couldn't take the kitten with her.  She gave the kitten to Harper.  It made Harper feel happy after she was so sad about losing her baby.  It is definitely not a replacement, because no cat could ever replace old Jerry, but it is a little bright spot in a sad situation.  Harper named the cat Winchester - Winnie for short.  She is a hand raised baby, and is too tame to ever be a candidate for outdoor life.  She seems to be a sweet, potty trained, cute little thing, who spits fire at the dogs, and was already curled up with Jim, (my closet cat lover).  The only one who is unhappy with this new arrangement is Carlos.  He was insulted, mad and grouchy about it!  He will adjust!


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