Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Mid week holiday

Jim has this week off.  He got his stitches and drains out yesterday.  He is feeling pretty good and was happy to sleep a little more comfortably last night.   

I had today off for the Juneteenth holiday.  Now there is little that makes me happier than a paid day off, but I spent all day feeling like it was a Saturday.   Tomorrow is going to feel like Monday I’m sure of it.  My days are all mixed up!   

I am glad I had today off.  It rained all day long!  We had at least 2 inches of rain, and that was before the latest round went through!   It was a great day to sleep in, cook a late breakfast, clean up and do some laundry, and rest a little bit.  

Mallory was on babysitting duty.  She brought the girls out to meet Norma.  Evie loves her - even though Norma was a little bit obnoxious while she was here.  She thought Evie was a great chew toy!  Today, we started to see Norma’s actual personality.  She is smart, but also a puppy who needs a lot of training!   We ended up putting her on a lead line today. It made a big difference in her attitude!   I had to run pick up a couple of things at dollar general. I brought her home some chew bones.  Carlos has taken them and was trying to hide them behind Jim.  Then Mallory came back out and brought a few chew toys from her dog’s toy box.  Carlos stole those and hid them as well!  Clearly he isn’t on board with being a big brother.  At least he has stopped trying to kill Norma though!   It is progress.  

In addition to the actual holiday, my fb memories tell me today is the 5 year anniversary of Cameron purchasing his first appliance (a toaster).  Celebrate accordingly.  

I do think that she is a good dog.  We just have to remember how much work it is to train a puppy.  I needed a project.  (I always need. Project)

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