Sunday, June 2, 2024

Catch up (we survived May!)?


Jerry is very sick.  We aren’t really sure what’s wrong with him, but we suspect he has a hairball he hasn’t been able to pass.  I took him to the vet, who said his bladder is blocked and he will need to be sedated, catheterized, and put on a few days of IV fluids.  Now I will tell you that I am no fan of Jerry.  He is always in places he should not be, refuses to stop getting on my counters, which I loathe, and is a general menace.  However, the thought of him croaking off was almost unbearable to me.  So I loaded him in a laundry basket, and hauled his dumb butt to the vet.  Jim and the girls absolutely love that dumb cat.  I sincerely hope nothing bad happens to him.  
Since we live sort of far from town, we generally try to take care of all our errands when we go.  Jim asked when I was done with the vet, if I could stop off for some mower gas.  The gas can was at the end of the driveway where Jim had been working.  I stopped off, and put the can in the trunk.  When I got back in the car, Jerry was in the back seat and Blitz was in the basket.  Stupid animals.  I had to turn around to bring Blitz back to the house.   

Jerry yowled all the way to town.  I don’t think he likes car rides.  

This morning, we helped my nephew and his fiancé move into their new house. We started at 9:00.  As I was headed down the road, with my car loaded with their stuff, I noticed it was 9:57.   That made me think about my grandpa and grandma.  They always, always stressed the importance of family, and grandma always told us that many hands make light work.  We had loaded their entire house, furniture and appliances in less than an hour!   We had all the stuff unloaded in their new house and I was home by 11:30!  They are on their own for unpacking though!   I’m thankful to have family close, and I was happy to help my nephew - I hope they will be very happy in their new home!  

May nearly did me in with all the things. I am happy that we survived and I was delighted to see June on the calendar!   I don’t know why, when I turned over the calendar page, it only reminded me that I (perhaps stupidly) made the kids, myself and Jim all sorts of summer physicals, eye dr exams, orthodontist checkups, work meetings, and ball games.   The insanity fiesta continues?  
Last night, Saige had a game.  It was raining. I was positive they would cancel.  They didn’t.   They played in the rain.  Although, thankfully after the first inning, the rain stopped and it was mostly just chilly.  Saige had a good night, playing outfield and short stop, and had a few good at bats as well.  They lost the first game, and won the second.  

Also yesterday, our broilers arrived.  They are so tiny and cute!   It’s hard to believe looking at their cuteness, how fast they will grow and be gross,  dirty big birds!  There is just nothing cuter than tiny little chickens and ducks!   Except perhaps tiny little rabbits?   

It makes me happy to think we will have our freezer full of meat!   

The rest of this day has been dedicated to catching up.  Laundry from vacation is almost done, lawn work in progress, girls busily helping me clean the house back up.  I’m happy to have a day to finally see the inside of my house! 

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