Monday, June 10, 2024

The weekend that wasn’t.

The only one who got rest this weekend was Winnie.  She has settled herself right in, taken over the couches, and the hearts of a couple girls.  Carlos is still not amused by her, but at least he stopped trying to kill her!  She growls at the big dogs, and they cower to her, it is insanely crazy!  She is a tiny little thing, and it is hilarious to see her bossing around 85 pound Ollie!  She is brave!

I had my first strawberry!  I ate it right out of the garden!  I was very excited, although it was about the size of a dime, and we are very, very far away from jelly making!  I am just happy that the plants haven't died!  

Friday night was all about ball - Harper had a double header against Lyndon.  It was spitting rain, and the sky looked really bad, and I thought 'here we go again' but things worked out, and they did end up getting both games in.  Harper's team was not successful at getting any wins, but they did play really well, and I am proud of how they worked together.
Cameron and Lauren attended a Royal's game, where it was K-State night at the K.  I think they had fun!  
Saturday, I worked the day shift at the liquor store.  Early in the day, Jim and I talked about having date night (what we call getting groceries so that it seems more fun).  I admit, that it seemed like a better idea early in the day than it did when I got off work.  I started to bail out on him, but then he whipped out a Texas Roadhouse gift card and told me I could have free dinner.  I also looked at this week's calendar and realized if we wanted to eat this week, I had no choice but to get groceries on Saturday night.  We did hit some mighty fine bargains, and we managed to be home in time that I could still float in the pool.  I am glad we got it done!  (Side note, I did enjoy having an evening with my boy- he is a pretty good dude).  
Since we have been running nonstop, that meant that Sunday had to be a day to catch up on all of the things around the house.  After church, Jim and Cameron started in on the lawnmower, which has been broken down, and the lawn has been severely neglected.  As they were working on it, Colin materialized out of thin air.  He jumped in and helped them get the mower finished and back together.  Then the three of them did some mowing, weed eating, and a few other things that Jim was happy to have help with.  I managed to catch up the laundry, and got the girls to help me get the house cleaned up a little bit.  It worked out great.  By the time the girls arrived for Sunday dinner, things were seeming a little more under control!  Evelyn wanted to swim and get her hair cut.  We made it happen.  She wanted her hair up to her shoulders.  Wish granted, although I feel like it made her look even older!  

Uncle Cameron hold me....oh wait, I don't want you to hold me, I just want your fancy goggles!  

I wish I could have a second Sunday.  One that was a relaxing, read a book and lounge around sort of a day, but beggars just can't be choosers!  I did enjoy seeing a lot of the kids this weekend!  Looking ahead, next weekend doesn't look like a book reading type of weekend either!  Oh well, at least we are having fun!  

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