Sunday, June 2, 2024

Sunday showers and swimming

I apologize in advance, this post is gonna be a mess. I cannot seem to keep my brain on task today.  Added to the fact that the great blog fiasco of earlier this year has left me without a good editing option for the blog.  I can’t seem to figure out how to get it to leave the photos in order, or to move the photos around the way I want them from my phone, which is the easiest thing for me to blog from, since it contains a multitude of photos I randomly take.  
Ok that is enough of the blog woe whining.  
For the last few years, we have had a short period in the spring where we are inundated with what my phone lookup thing calls “hackberry emperor moths”.  They are everywhere.  Wikipedia says they eat, lay eggs and live on hackberry trees.  I don’t know if this is valid, they seem to spring up from the ground and they are everywhere!   We do have a couple of hackberry trees though.  The weird part is that if you go down the roads they are congregated on the gravel, but if you get within 5 miles of my house, there aren’t any.  Today, as I drove over to the shower, they were swirling all around the car, flying into the windows, and swirling behind the car.  I have been throwing them out of my house, fishing them out of the pool and the pool filter, and basically they are just everywhere.  Kind of neat, kind of annoying.  

I finally have the pool in blue water status.  There is a small amount of debris I am still working on cleaning out, and there is a cloudiness in the water that will filter out within a few more days.  I got in yesterday, cleaned and shivered!  The water was cold!   When the kids were here for Sunday dinner, Evie asked if she could swim.  She suckered a couple of others into getting in with her.  Wrenley took her first swim!  That baby sucked her breath a little bit then was kicking and slashing and happy!   

Cameron cooked us up a mean batch of steaks.  They were awesome!  

This afternoon, we had a bridal shower for Bailey (and Garrett). I am excited for them and can’t wait for their wedding.  I do love weddings!  

This weekend, we tried- to get caught up, to have fun, to make good food, to spend some time together and to relax a little.  We were mostly successful, although I wish we had one more day!  Theme of my life.  

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