Monday, June 17, 2024

All sorts of stuff


Cameron started his new job today - he is now officially a personal banker.  He reported that his first day was mostly training about ethics, but that it went well.  Thank you Lauren for the first day pics!   

Evelyn had 2 games left.  Plus tournament.  Since the other one is on a night when Saige also plays, I decided this might be my last chance to see her play this season.  Mallory and I ran over to Burlingame to watch her.  We had fun buying Wrenley messy snacks, and watching Evie.  She has improved so much this season!   She even had a hit - but it rolled foul.   We are counting it anyway!  I’m so proud of her!  

On our way home, we had to stop off in Carbondale to pick up Quincy.  As we drove down the highway, there was an Amish man parked in his buggy along the side of the highway. The way he was parked, I thought he might be needing help.  So I stopped and asked if he was ok, and that is when we saw that he was there selling puppies.  Now it is no secret that I have been looking for a Border Collie pup.  Blitz is getting older, and I wanted her to help me train a puppy.  When I asked what kind of puppies they were, the man told me half Border collie, half Anatolian/Pyrenees.   Mallory lost her sanity. Somehow she was sure these were the puppies I have been searching for.   And the price was low.  I jokingly said well…. call your father and see what he has to say about it.  And so she did.   And her father told her he wouldn’t be mad if I got a dog.  One short stop at the ATM, and a stop for Quincy to jump in the car, and u-turn later, and suddenly there I was with a sweet little baby in my car.   

Jim got naming rights.  He decided on Norma. She smells terrible.  She didn’t appreciate the bath.  She did go potty outside and enjoyed running all around.  Carlos is flat angry….but like the kitten of last week, we know he will adjust.  We always have room for one more.  We may need to add on….but what’s one more heart to love.  

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