Sunday, June 30, 2024

A fun (but short) weekend

Cameron and Lauren somehow came into a couple extra tickets to Stampede.  They invited Mallory and Quincy to come up and go with them.  I heard it was a lot of fun!  I love that they sent me some photos!
I made a flying trip to town yesterday morning at the crack of dawn to get groceries.  I then came home and the girls helped get the house cleaned up before I worked the night shift at the liquor store. 
After mass today, I started the smoker and cleaned the pool so that the kids could all come home for an afternoon of fireworks, swimming and dinner.  My brother typically has had Langfest the weekend before the 4th, but he just isn’t up to it.  We improvised.  I love when all my kids can come and hang out.  I’m sorry we missed Spencer and Lauren though.  

What I thought were wild kittens.  Are.  Not.  Wild.   This one, I would say would make a sweet little house kitty. Except we have 2 house cats already and I don’t really want a 3rd.   He tends to be following whoever is in the yard around, including the rock pile cat. 

Two best holidays are hands down Halloween and 4th of July.   Playing with fire, eating the bbq, taking a little swim, being together.  It was a great weekend.  

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