Friday, June 14, 2024

3 day weekend - good. Reason - notsomuch


We have a 3 day weekend, but because Jim is having a sinus surgery, so not a fun reason.
On the day where Saige’s team plays against Harper’s team, I sure hope I don’t need him to be the bouncer! 
Side note - Jim said he took the lazy man route when shaving for surgery and only shaved his mustache. He said it was a shoutout to Uncle Ray.  No offense Ray, but I hope he doesn’t adopt this as a permanent facial hair trend.    

Because I am out of the office today, and it is normally payroll time, I had to go in last night to meet a board member.  The skies were so weird I had to take a picture.  Quincy had some friends over to swim and hang out.  They had to delay the swimming and then they had to quit as storms that flared up again, weirdly we didn’t get a drop of rain. 

I have enjoyed having Cameron home for a few days and I am sad that his time “off” is over, as he starts his new job on Monday. He has helped us with several projects, and it has been great catching up.  He did draw the line at helping me walk the turtles though. He seems to think that I have lost it.  Truly though, the Undertaker had been acting a little unsettled. I did some reading online and it made me think she might be wanting to find some soft soil to lay eggs in.  He seemed unwilling to watch and see if she laid any!   I did watch. She didn’t - and seemed obsessed with running around and showing off her quick reflexes at getting away from Carlos!  

Do you ever do something with good intentions but then figure out you aren’t all that bright?  I bought a bunch of seeds on a clearance sale at dollar general last fall.  One morning, as I finished my walk, I was still talking with Grace, and I used some dirt and trays I had left to plant the seeds.  I actually doubted they would grow since they cost me about 8 cents a pack.  I planted watermelon, cucumbers, cantaloupe and several types of squash. I labeled nothing.  Now they are growing and I have no idea what it is coming up!   I know you cannot plant watermelon and cucumbers near each other because they will cross pollinate, but I’m not exactly sure how I can avoid that.  I’m hoping that the plants get some distinguishing leaf shape or something in the coming days.  Otherwise I guess the pickles I make might taste a bit like watermelon. 

I know it is redundant, but I love summer!  We have all been enjoying the pool.  Wrenley loves the water!  Like the rest of us I guess.  She kicks and splashes and smiles!   
Evie is pretty self sufficient in the water now.   She does good.  We still have her wear a floaty, but there is not much fear of the water left.  She is a rule follower and I am thankful for that.  

This cat is tiny.  She fits in one hand. But my goodness she is the queen of the house already.  The dogs do her bidding. Marge follows her around. Jim and the girls are her servants. It is crazy!   

These kids are enjoying their chickens.  It makes me laugh how they all have dude names.  
Evelyn’s guinea pig passed away this week.  I feel bad for telling the story, but when she told me it was Poppy the guinea pig, not Poppy the human that she had to bury I sort of giggled.  I did keep my giggling internal. I am. It completely heartless.  

I am not sure how we got so lucky, but these grandkids are awfully amazing. 

Also had to include Stella’s birthday picture. Just for fun.  Mallory might be rubbing off on aunt Amy!  
Jim’s doctor says everything went well with his surgery. I am very thankful.  I know he’s going to be ok because he saw me, and started begging for me to take him out of the hospital for food.  

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