Sunday, June 16, 2024

Crazy days and a weddin


We have known for months that yesterday was my nephew's wedding day.  I have had it on the calendar, and been planning for it, had discussed wedding gifts, and was looking forward to it (because I am one of those weird people who actually love weddings).  The day was cleared.  And then Harper's coach said they had to move some games around.  Harper would have a double header, but it would be in the morning for some reason.  OK we can make that happen since it was an evening wedding.  And then Jim's doctor scheduled his surgery on Friday, meaning that he would be sort of out of commission, but it is Ok we can make that happen.  And Preston had company coming, but would come home Friday but have to leave right after the wedding (but not attend the reception), and while he is home, he needed a hair cut.  Ok I can make that happen.  The weather is going to be hot, and the baby chickens absolutely had to be in a different pen set up.  Ok I can make that happen.  The goats busted out of their pen, and the fence had to be fixed.  Ok I can make that happen.  You get the idea where I am going?  :)  What I plan and what I end up with never end up being the same.  Thankfully, Jim has been a good patient, and was able to drive himself to town to get the pool whatever they needed for their swim meet.  He has been good about taking it easy, and not need too much help because frankly, I just haven't been around to give him any.   While he was gone, I was able to get the chickens situated and the goat fences fixed.  I got Harper to her games, and remembered that we were the snack/drink parents and even took a cooler to make sure the drinks were cold!  She wasn't even late!  
The double header was a little weird. First game, it was almost cold.  I know it was not cold when I was fixing fence and organizing chickens.  The clouds rolled in and it was spitting rain.  I even ran to the car to get an umbrella and was sort of thinking about how when you live in Kansas you just keep your car prepared for everything.  Yes it is summer, but I might need that jacket, that blanket, the umbrella, the extra shoes, also the sun screen, bug spray, sunglasses, and thermal cup full of ice.  Kansas is weird like that.  First game, we were chilly, sitting under umbrellas, and thinking I wasted my money on the ice in the cooler.  Second game, the sun came out, it was steamy and I was slathering my kid and myself with sunscreen, and sucking down all the ice water!  
Harper's team won both of their games, and we had 2 hours to drive half an hour home, check on Jim, do chores, change and get to the wedding that was in another town half an hour the other direction.  
The girls were tremendous help.  We made it!  When we finally got to the wedding, I was just happy to sit down for a while!

Garrett and Bailey's wedding was really nice.  They asked that people not take photos during the ceremony, and I did a bad job of taking some during the reception.  I didn't even get one of Colin and Spencer together, or of Colin at all!  He was a groomsman in the wedding.  

The best photos I got were courtesy of Lauren and Mallory....thanks girls!  
I did have a nice time at the wedding, and it was fun to see my kids for a while.  I made it home, and Jim is doing good (thankfully since he has had to be home alone a lot this weekend).  We survived the crazy!  Now we just need to celebrate Father's day!  

Edited to add a couple photos of Colin and Spencer which landed at the top.  Yes I swiped them from Spencer’s Facebook page.  I doubt she will be upset but just in case - sorry Spencer and also thanks!   Good pics of some of my favorite people!  

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