Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Happy? Birthday? Marge???


Harper had a double header, make up at Osage City last night.  Her team lost both games.  It was weirdly hot until the sun went down, and then it was weirdly cold.  Harper played really well, covering right field, left field, shortstop, and 3rd base.  She was walked a couple of times,  and did a great job stealing bases.  It was a long evening, but it was fun to watch her team.  I enjoy them.  
We got home around 10:30, to find Saige had baked brownies for Marge - because it is the 1 year anniversary of the day we got her - so Saige decided that it was her 'birthday.'  Saige insisted that we put a candle in the brownies and sing to the cat.  We indulged her, but nothing has really changed where Marge is concerned, and Marge did NOT like us singing to her, or Saige holding her, or any other part of the birthday celebration!  
We got Marge when she was dumped in Mallory's neighborhood.  She lived for 2-3 days in Mallory's basement window well.  Finally, Jim went in and rescued her.  We tried to find her owner, but nobody claimed her.  I am 100% sure someone kicked the crap out of this cat.  Her jaw closes weird, she has to turn her face sideways when she eats or she can't pick up any of the food.  She is skittish, and only really lets Saige hold her.  She tolerates the rest of us, but if there are too many people around, or if we are too loud, she hides out in the basement.  She is visibly scared of loud noises, of loud people, and she tends to hide if we move too fast, or do anything else that seems threatening.  Nobody has hurt her for a year....she is safe in our house, however she has not forgotten her early days and it makes me sad.  I don't know if she will ever really trust us, I hope she will.  I do credit her - she has had zero accidents, she is pretty well behaved, doesn't seem to be a bad cat at all.  She is a little bit psycho occasionally, jumping about 5 or 6 feet in the air to catch a moth or a wasp.  She amuses me.  She is a good cat, and we are glad to have her.  The other good thing, she really loves the new kitten, and seems to be almost caring for her!  I hope they will live long, happy lives together!  Also, she comes running to Jim's breakfast buffet - she is a smart girl!  :)  

Shout out to Cameron, who mowed our entire yard, ran the weed whacker, and basically made us look like we are living in a pristine little park!  I appreciate it!  The mower being down meant that things had gotten a little out of hand.  He tackled it all like a champ while we were at work yesterday!  I know he starts his new job next week, and I am sure he will be very successful, but I really am enjoying him being home for a little bit!  And not just because he mowed the yard1  :)  

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