Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Not the news we wanted

The vet called yesterday to tell us that under sedation, Jerry suffered cardiac arrest and passed away.  It was not the outcome we were hoping for, obviously.  It was a pretty sad afternoon around here. 
 Jerry was my nemesis, always getting on my counters, knocking things off on purpose, making little nests in my clean laundry, and constantly sitting in “my spot” and refusing to move.  But he also loved to sit on my lap on a cold day, provided me entertainment by responding to Jim like a dog, and he loved my girls.  And all of my people loved this fluffy giant dork.   We have all laughed that he was not the brightest , and that he was so lazy he had an inch of hair growing out the bottom of his feet.  We will all miss the big, lazy “dingle-Jerry.”   I’m not sure there has ever been a cat quite like him, and I’m sure no cat will ever really be as sweet.  

He was born in our bathroom in July 2019.  At the time, we had Madison and Andrew living here with a very small Evie.  There were 6 kittens and I immediately tried finding homes for them.  But Harper loved this one.  She begged and pleaded with us not to give her baby away.  Jim finally told me to leave her cat here and not get rid of him.  And so he was Harper’s baby.  Except that Jim also got extremely attached.  Our chewey order had cat treats, special cat food and other things added because Jim is a closet cat spoiler.  In the mornings, Jim cooks himself breakfast.  The dogs and the cats all line up.  I have photos of the buffet line somewhere.  It is ridiculous.  But those animals do add a certain something unexplainable to the house as well.  It is never empty here.  Nobody is ever lonely.  They are the best snuggle buddies.  They never tell your secrets.  I wouldn’t have it any other way.  There are those who might think we are insane.  We share our house with plenty of creatures.  But when push comes to shove - it is all amazing and the love is real.   
We will miss you Jerry.  I hope there is a big plate of sausage and eggs for you in heaven.  


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