Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy 2011!

We spent new years eve afternoon having a nice visit from the Liss family. Grace and James are Quincy's Godparents, and she was super excited that they were coming to visit. Quincy had been asking for a pillow pet, and she did not get one (they are kind of expensive) she was blown away when she found out Grace had made one for her. She slept with her tiger last night and has been carrying him around all day today. She keeps petting him because he is soooo soft!

We enjoyed getting to visit and it had been a long time since we had seen our Godson, he had really grown up and it was hard to believe how tall he is! No longer a little boy, but a very nice young man! We enjoyed seeing all of them!
After they left, Quincy spent the whole afternoon asking me which one is the short boy and which one is the tall boy! She had fun playing with them even if she can't keep them straight!

Colin thinks that the way to get his hair to lay flat after he gets out of the shower is to wear a stocking hat. I am not sure how that is working for him, but he sure looks like a goof!

After returning from mass last night we spent the evening with my cousin and her 4 boys. The kids had a great time playing and I am proud to say that they ALL (even Harper) made it until midnight. I did have to laugh because they were waiting and waiting - finally we told them it was the new year and then they were all like what now? I remember feeling that way when I was a kid!

Staying up late makes you tired the next day! Luckily, we didn't have anyplace to go or any thing to do today, so we have enjoyed a day of laying around watching movies, napping, and playing with the toys that Preston stashed under his bed after Christmas eve at Grandma's house that he totally forgot about until Colin cleaned their room today! Bonus! We also tried Stanley's chocolate popcorn recipe that was in the really nice cookbook that their church put together. It was pretty good!
Tomorrow Colin is wrestling at the first open season tournament the Rossville Holiday classic. I wish we could all go, but we have other places that we need to be, so Jim is going to take him. I hope he has fun and wrestles well! Looks like 2011 is off and running!

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