Saturday, January 15, 2011

Lock In

The 4-H lock-in was tonight. I think everyone had fun! There was tons of good food, lots of friends to play with, and a bunch of games!
Madison had to try her hand at the "Michael Jackson Experience" she refused to wear the glove though, so she lost points!
Colin wanted to wear the glove, but nobody would let him!
In the following photos, the kids were playing a game called "Quick Change" - the person who is 'it' leaves the room, and makes a subtle change in their appearance - the people then try to guess what is different.
Here is Colin:
And then Cameron:
As you can see, we will be doing some lessons on what 'subtle' means in the next few days! Cam and Colin were NOT the winners of the game!

Quincy doesn't understand subtle either - she was shaking it on the stage in front of everyone!
The kids have been participating in a group line dancing for the past several years. This year they are doing the "Watermelon Crawl", and then mixing it up with a dance to "Evacuate the Dance Floor." It is fun, but I keep getting these dang songs stuck in my head. About the time I get them out, they practice again! I am thinking that I will NEVER want to hear these songs again by the time 4-H club day rolls around! I still remember why I despise the song "Baby's got her Blue Jeans on" - same reason, different era of 4-H!

I think everyone had a good time!

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